Full Access Mixed membership
Membership to Alexa Garside Full Access Mixed membership entitles you to full access to all the fitness and yoga classes created through this website. A list of the included classes can be found on this page. Videos are available to watch either by download or online via your own member’s dashboard. Live classes are available via zoom.com, and a recorded copy will also be made available through your dashboard.
These memberships are paid on a rolling monthly contract-free basis. There are various memberships to choose from to suit your fitness needs and for those looking for class variety. Once enrolled, you can fully manage your membership through your member’s dashboard.
Already a member?
Please login to your dashboard.
Full Access Mixed membership: Individual
This single-person mixed membership entitles the enrolled member to full access to a variety of fitness and yoga classes and includes 1 individual membership license.
Please see the membership T&Cs (on this page) for full details.